
Shop : Details

48,80 €
ISBN 978-3-8440-3450-9
Gebundene Ausgabe
156 Seiten
64 Abbildungen
233 g
23 x 16 cm
März 2015
Tadeus Uhl
Performance Analysis of Queuing Systems
When packet-switching technology was implemented in networks towards the end of the 1960s the importance of queuing theory increased enormously. The underlying principle is simple: storage, processing and forwarding. That is how queuing systems work, not only in network technology but in transport and shipping as well. Queuing theory is a powerful and highly efficient tool that can be used to model, analyse and optimise all manner of processes in such systems. So it is well worth taking a closer look at this theory and putting it to good, practical use. This book will prove to be an important source of help, providing as it does reliable procedures for solving practical problems. It begins with a succinct presentation of the necessary basic principles of queuing theory. Liberal use of practical examples is used in favour of too much theory. The book focuses on the description of precise, numerical and simulative methods for observing queuing systems. Each chapter concludes with a series of questions and exercises that underline the practical use of the subject matter covered. The book concludes with special questions dealing with network technology and transportation and shipping; solutions are included. The book has been designed so that every student of telecommunications, applied informatics or comparable subjects can understand and learn the subject matter at hand.
Schlagwörter: Queuing Systems
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