
Shop : Details

19,80 €
ISBN 978-3-8440-6306-6
388 Seiten
582 g
21 x 14,8 cm
November 2018
Katharina Schmitz, Hubertus Murrenhoff
Fundamentals of Fluid Power
Part 1: Hydraulics (Translation of the completely reworked German edition of 2018)
The book "Fundamentals of Fluid Power" is a translation of the German text "Grundlagen der Fluidtechnik". The present part one covers the whole field of hydraulics. Its content has been updated continuously and is based on the lectures of W. Backé in the period of 1968 to 1994 and H. Murrenhoff in the period of 1994 to 2018. The book serves as a tool to help engineers interested in science as well as in practical applications complete typical tasks they may encounter during their careers.

The fundamentals of hydrostatics and hydrodynamics are treated first. The calculation of flow rates, flow forces, inductive and capacitive loads, and the transmission behavior of pipe conducts are all explained.

In view of the increasing attention regarding environmental issues the selection of the pressure fluid is gaining more and more focus. Contamination, filtering, and particle counting have been presented in a separate chapter because of their high practical importance.

The components for building hydraulic systems like displacement units, valves, seals, accumulators, sensors and further accessories are explained with regard to their structures and functions. Typical commercially available devices are always used throughout the book as examples.

Finally, important concepts, typical controls, and basic circuits are treated, by introducing the systematic system classification based on resistive and displacement control, and power supply based on impressed pressure vs. impressed flow.
Schlagwörter: Fluid Power; Hydraulics; Pressure Fluids; Hydraulic Systems; Pumps; Motors; Valves; Seals; Fluid Power Drive Systems
Reihe Fluidtechnik
Herausgegeben von Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Katharina Schmitz, Aachen
Band 7
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