
Shop : Details

48,80 €
ISBN 978-3-8440-6033-1
176 Seiten
91 Abbildungen
264 g
21 x 14,8 cm
Juli 2018
Ghassen Yahiaoui
Film Cooling Investigations for Rocket Nozzle Flows with a New Test Facility Technique
Untersuchungen zur Filmkühlung in Raketendüsen mit einer neuen Versuchsanlagentechnik
This work investigates film cooling in supersonic high-enthalpy flow conditions, close to that encountered in real rocket engines. To produce such flows, a new short-duration facility based on the detonation combustion technique of an explosive gas mixture has been developed. In the present work, the hot-flow, mainly water vapor is the product of hydrogen-oxygen combustion.

The effects of the injection of various supersonic gaseous coolants into the hot-flows of a planar as well as a conical nozzle were studied. Many important parameters known and suspected to be affecting the cooling performance such as the coolant gas properties, the blowing ratio, the pressure gradient etc. have been thoroughly examined.

From the literature, some important correlations to predict cooling efficiencies were presented and compared to the experimental findings. Besides the well-known influences of the blowing ratio and the cooling gas properties, it has been shown that the pressure gradient has a considerable impact on the cooling performance.
Schlagwörter: Rocket Nozzle; Film Cooling; Supersonic Flow; Heat Transfer; Boundary Layer
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DOI 10.2370/9783844060331
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