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48,80 €
ISBN 978-3-8440-5462-0
174 Seiten
57 Abbildungen
243 g
21 x 14,8 cm
August 2017
Daniel Werner
Two Scale Multi-component and Multi-phase Model for the Numerical Simulation of Growth Processes in Saturated Porous Media under Consideration of Bio-chemical Processes – at the Example of the Human Liver
The focus of this thesis is the simulation of impairments of the liver micro-perfusion and its impact on the metabolic processes. The simulation is performed within the framework of the finite element method whereas the material model is based on the Theory of Porous Media. For the biological processes, focus lays on the metabolism of glucose, one of the most important energy sources for the human body, and on the fat metabolism. Impairments of the micro-perfusion can be manifold. They can for example occur after liver transplantation or through chronic liver diseases. In this work the source of impairment is the fatty liver disease due to two reasons. Firstly, fatty liver disease is a rapidly growing problem in industrial countries. Secondly, the fatty liver disease is seen a first hit to subsequent sewer diseases such as steatohepatitis or cirrhosis. The theoretical model that has to be considered is very challenging and complex. It incorporates multiple constituents (two solids and a liquid, immobile and mobile components), multiple scales, different scientific disciplines, as well as growth and remodelling. The thesis demonstrates the usefulness of the applied and extended Theory of Porous Media to bio-mechanical applications in general and the usefulness of a sophisticated mechanical model with respect to fatty liver disease in particular.
Schlagwörter: Finite Element Simulation; Theory of Porous Media; Growth; Perfusion; Liver; Metabolism
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DOI 10.2370/9783844054620
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