
Shop : Details

34,80 €
ISBN 978-3-8440-4203-0
282 Seiten
420 g
23 x 16 cm
Februar 2016
Włodzimierz Sroka, Štefan Hittmár, Joanna Kurowska-Pysz (Eds.)
New Trends in Management and Production Engineering
Regional, Cross-Border and Global Perspectives
In contemporary economy one observes numerous changes in the sphere of functioning of the companies. Under these new circumstances, effective management becomes a matter of a key importance. Given these facts, the mission of this monograph is a complex presentation of the most important topics associated with the management of modern companies. The monograph consists of both theoretical and practical chapters which are written by the scholars from several Central European countries. Its contents is presented in five chapters:
Chapter 1: Globalization and its impact on the management of companies in the modern economy
Chapter 2: Marketing and financial aspects in management
Chapter 3: Inter-organizational cooperation
Chapter 4: New trends in production engineering
Chapter 5: Practical aspects in management
Given a combination of theory and practice, together with the nature of texts presented, the book offers a valuable resource for a broad readership. Therefore, it is designed for a wide group of recipients, including both scholars and managers, as well as students of management science.
Schlagwörter: globalization; management; production engineering; inter-firm cooperation; trends
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