

Horst Müller
Physikalische Grundlagen für die Funktionssimulation der Ionisations-Durchstrahlkammer in der Röntgendiagnostik
Medizinischen Physik
ETDE-Energy Database, FIZ Karlsruhe Leibniz-Insitut für Informationsinfrastruktur, 29.11.2012

The presentation of the physical fundamentals for the functional simulation of the ionization transmission chamber in X-ray diagnostics covers the mathematical description of the inter-action of photons with solid materials in Mote Carlo compliable way, including Rayleigh and Campton scattering and photoabsorption.
The energy dependence of the emitted secondary electrons is described according the Coulomb and Moeller scattering theory. The simulation is aimed to determine the spectral electron flux density in the air-filled measuring space of the ionization chamber for the defined X-ray energy spectrum dependent on the voltage at the X-ray tube. The influence of geometry and materials on the spectral energy flux density provides hints for the construction of the ionization transmission chamber.
The differential energy loss of the secondary electrons in air is determined allowing the calculation of the ionization rate. The ionization of air is described, providing the conditions for a linear relation between ionization rate and ionic current.

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