
Shop : Details

58,80 €
ISBN 978-3-8440-9628-6
166 Seiten
46 Abbildungen
318 g
21 x 14,8 cm
September 2024
Peter Bauer
Contributions to the quality improvement of the 3D design, operation and visualisation of geodetic monitoring installations
Digitalisation is rapidly changing the way we work on construction sites. Building Information Modelling and Internet of Things are new methods that are changing the way information is processed and shared. Surveying engineers play an important role in this process, as accurate and reliable geodata is the link between these information systems and the real world.

This book deals with current problems in the planning and operation of geodetic monitoring equipment. Established workflows for the remote-controlled operation of total stations are re-evaluated and transferred to a dynamic 3D simulation environment. This enables not only faster quality assessments (e.g. automatic collision control of fixtures and sights) but also more sophisticated simulations of systematic instrument effects (e.g. influence of prism alignment or faults in automatic target acquisition).
Schlagwörter: virtual reality; geodetic monitoring; total stations; 3D simulation; digital twin
Engineering Geodesy – TU Graz
Herausgegeben von Univ.-Prof. Dr. Werner Lienhart, Graz
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DOI 10.2370/9783844096286
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