
Shop : Details

48,80 €
ISBN 978-3-8440-8579-2
154 Seiten
50 Abbildungen
227 g
21 x 14,8 cm
Mai 2022
Varchasvi Lakshmi Nandana
Development of a Numerical Model to Study the Electric and Thermal Behaviour of a Hall-Héroult Cell
Aluminium is one of the most widely used metals in the world. The production of primary aluminium is a complex process with high energy requirements. Climate goals have steered many countries to shift towards renewable sources for electricity production, increasing energy costs. The transition necessitates smelters to augment the production efficiency to produce aluminium at competitive prices. Additionally, the fluctuations in the electricity price in the energy market could be utilized to benefit the smelter by achieving flexibility in the production process. A detailed understanding of the cell behaviour is necessary to realize these objectives. The corrosive environment and high temperatures inside the Hall-Héroult cell, as well as the high magnetic fields, significantly reduce the observability of the process, as measurementbased research is significantly restricted. A numerical model, on the other hand, provides several advantages to study the influence of various cell parameters without affecting industrial production.

The thermal balance of the cell is critical to achieving stable and efficient production. In the present work, a numerical model in the Multi-Region framework is developed to study the electric and thermal behaviour of the cell. The numerical model is developed in OpenFOAM® 4.0, an open-source CFD toolkit.

The numerical model is validated by comparing the simulation predictions with the industrial measurements. This is followed by studying the influence of the operational parameters on the electric and thermal behaviour of the cell. The operational parameters considered in this study are the amount of aluminium and electrolyte, anode-to-cathode distance, cell current, bath composition and sidewall cooling. The influence on the cell behaviour is evaluated by analyzing the variation in the ledge thickness, the bath temperature, the ohmic voltage and the cell specific energy consumption. The results of this work provide detailed insights into the thermoelectric behaviour of the cell and identify critical parameters, which have a high impact on production efficiency.
Schlagwörter: Aluminium cell; thermal behaviour; solidification; OpenFOAM
Berichte des Fachgebiets für Strömungsmechanik
Herausgegeben von Univ.-Prof. D.-Ing. habil. Uwe Janoske, Wuppertal
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