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45,80 €
ISBN 978-3-8440-6701-9
144 Seiten
59 Abbildungen
212 g
21 x 14,8 cm
Mai 2019
Simon Mößner
Multi–fidelity Structural Design for Pedestrian Safety with particular Reference to the FlexPLI
Vehicle frontend design for pedestrian safety is a computationally and manually expensive challenge. For impacts of the Flexible Pedestrian Leg Impactor (FlexPLI), this thesis provides a general understanding of the impactor’s kinematics and an efficient approach to optimize its performance for given frontend shapes. Further, based on a given highly resolved finite element model an abstract simplified frontend model with high accuracy is derived. Its generation is simple to automate and it reduces computational cost by 90 %. Especially for structural optimization the efficiency of the model is beneficial. Therefore, three main approaches to parametrize the simplified model are introduced. They focus on three different aspects: The generation of specifications for measures to improve the FlexPLI’s performance, the transferability of the simplification’s observed trends and sensitivities to a full–scale model and the minimization of the computational and manual effort. Limiting factors of the low-fidelity model are investigated as well. In several examples the benefits of the approach are confirmed, especially for early phases of development.
Schlagwörter: multi-fidelity; pedestrian safety; FlexPLI; simplified modeling
Schriftenreihe des Fachgebiets für Computational Mechanics
Herausgegeben von Prof. Dr.-Ing. Fabian Duddeck, München
Band 8
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