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45,80 €
ISBN 978-3-8440-6587-9
116 Seiten
7 Abbildungen
170 g
29,7 x 21 cm
März 2019
Jiangbo Li
The Scientometrics Analysis of Scientific Collaboration Between China and Germany in Web of Science
This study vividly reveals the state of the Sino-German scientific collaboration with bibliometrics, citation analysis, social network analysis, information visualization, mapping knowledge domains, and other quantitative methods. This study also interprets the development status of Sino-German scientific collaboration. It provides a reference for research methods at state level, as well as opportunity for the improvement of Sino-German scientific collaboration policy. Finally, this study puts forward some suggestions for the development of future scientific collaboration between China and Germany.
Schlagwörter: Scientometrics; Scientific Collaboration; Web of Science
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